Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Leftover meatloaf and baked potato

Leftover meatloaf and baked potato. Browse Our Fast And Easy Meatloaf Recipes Collection. Place potatoes in a large bowl and set aside. Add ground beef and mix gently just until.

Leftover meatloaf and baked potato Leftover meals are all about using up whatever you have in the kitchen, reducing food waste, and saving money. Few recipes are more resourceful than a delicious shepherd's pie. Toss in some leftover potatoes, explore the crisper for veggies, and season it to your heart's content. You can cook Leftover meatloaf and baked potato using 6 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Leftover meatloaf and baked potato

  1. You need of Sliced leftover meatloaf 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick.
  2. It's 2 cups of Canola oil for frying.
  3. You need of Baked potatoes rubbed with olive oil and pink sea salt cooked directly on the oven rack no foil or pan.
  4. It's of Cheese.
  5. Prepare of Added tater tots.
  6. It's of Cream cheese spread or whatever you got on hand to mix in potatoes to reconstitute the mashing of them.

Add potato, parsley and the leftover meatloaf chopped into bite-sized pieces. Fry over a medium heat until the bottom layer of potatoes browns. Turn the potatoes over, add more oil if needed, and brown that other side. This recipe came out better than I even expected it to since I threw it together with leftovers.

Leftover meatloaf and baked potato step by step

  1. Cut meatloaf in slices.
  2. In 3 disposable plates use flour with salt and pepper one with egg lightly beaten and last with your favorite panko crumbs.
  3. Eggs i dipped the meatloaf in flour then egg then panko crumbs.
  4. I like to fry well done.
  5. .
  6. With potatoes cut in half hotdog style.
  7. Then dig out guts with spoon or suitable object i toasted them before filling.
  8. Mix up said potato guts with mixer or something.
  9. Add some good filler bacon, cheese, cream cheese, salt and pepper, chives etc and so on and put it into potato shells then top with shredded cheese and toast until melted.
  10. Almost there.
  11. Plate and serve.
  12. And another plate for kids as their palate is not as sophisticated lol.

It is full of flavor from onions, garlic, mixed veggies and a little butter. The mashed potatoes on top get nice and crispy when baked in the oven and the meatloaf underneath stays moist and tender. The little veggies add a great sweetness from the corn and peas and overall this is such a delicious. A versatile recipe designed to use up leftover meatloaf in a tasty one-dish meal. Frozen tater tots, onions, and vegetables are coated in a creamy sauce and topped with slices of meatloaf, a sprinkling of cheese keeps the meatloaf moist during cooking.


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