Recipe: Yummy Basic muffin recipe

Basic muffin recipe. This recipe can be your starting point for a wide array of sweet and savory muffins, depending Start with this basic recipe, and add one of several different ingredients for a variety of different muffins. This basic muffin recipe is simple yet soft and buttery. The simple muffin base is easy to make and I'm adding to my baking basics series with a plain muffin recipe that is great as it is or flavored with.

Basic muffin recipe These basic muffins are delicious as is for a side dish or dessert or the batter can be flavored with extracts. It's easy, delicious, freezer friendly, and uses Use this master muffin recipe to make any muffin you love! They're basic, easy, delicious, and freezer. You can cook Basic muffin recipe using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Basic muffin recipe

  1. It's 2 cups of flour.
  2. It's 1 cup of sugar.
  3. You need Half of cup melted butter.
  4. Prepare 2/3 cup of milk.
  5. Prepare 2 teaspoons of baking powder.
  6. Prepare Half of teaspoon salt.
  7. You need 150 gram of yoghurt.
  8. It's 2 of large eggs.
  9. You need 1 teaspoon of vanilla.

You can use this basic muffin recipe to make any flavor of muffin you like such as traditional blueberry or get all crazy and make something like fig-raspberry-lavender. A basic muffin ready to personalize to taste with fruits, flavorings, or whole grains. This recipe is a taking-off point; use it to create your own favorite muffins by adding fruits and flavorings, nuts and. Most basic muffin recipes include a whole cup of sugar.

Basic muffin recipe step by step

  1. Greese the paper cups with little butter (very important). It will be difficult to peel off the paper if you dont. You can use a silicon brush to do this..
  2. Mix all the dry ingredients in one bowl then in a separate bowl, mix the vanilla, egg and yogurt gently until smooth. Greek yoghurt is prefarable. I didnt have it so i used Nagari yoghurt but this does not have the required consistency..
  3. Pour the flour mixture into the egg mixture and mix gently in one direction until everything is just incorporated and has a uniform colour then scoop into the muffin or cupcake papers and bake for 20 minutes..
  4. Bake at a slightly higher temperature than you would a cupcake. It should come out with a mushroom shape or a dome top (the one i baked is the first picture BUT IF DONE PROPERLY, IT SHOULD LOOK LIKE THE SECOND PICTURE).
  5. .

This means our muffins don't taste really sweet, but the kids don't mind and it keeps their sugar amounts. Use this basic muffin recipe as a base for unlimited flavor combinations by mixing in your favorite flavors like blueberries or chocolate chips! The best Basic Muffin recipe ever! Super easy to make, and you can make so many variatons too! This is a great basic muffin recipe with variations that your whole family will love!


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