Recipe: Tasty Tuna pasta bake

Tuna pasta bake. Creamy Tuna Pasta Bake - a classic meal that everyone loves - made with mostly store-cupboard ingredients! There's something about a pasta bake that just seems to make everyone so happy. Confession: I say "Everybody has a can of tuna" but I don't.

Tuna pasta bake An easy tuna pasta bake recipe that's a proper family favourite. With melted Cheddar cheese on top A firm family favourite. "A delicious and affordable bake, that's really easy to put together - perfect. Most of you might think you know how to make a tuna pasta bake, but to make a GOOD one, it's more than just bunging all. You can cook Tuna pasta bake using 8 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Tuna pasta bake

  1. Prepare 1 can of cream of mushroom soup.
  2. Prepare 1 can of cream of chicken soup.
  3. You need 1/2 can of milk.
  4. It's 1 can of sweetcorn.
  5. You need 4 can of tuna.
  6. Prepare 250 grams of Penne pasta.
  7. It's 1 pinch of salt.
  8. It's 150 grams of grated cheese (est).

Cook the pasta in a saucepan of plenty of boiling. This tuna pasta bake recipe is a comfort food classic! Just like my cajun sausage pasta recipe, you It really is very simple to make a delicious tuna pasta bake. The tuna pasta bake (commonly called "tuna noodle casserole" in the United States) is a classic comfort food.

Tuna pasta bake instructions

  1. Fill large pan 3/4 full of cold water and bring to the boil, once boiling add the pasta and a pinch of salt, cook until soft..
  2. Whilst pasta is cooking open the cans of tuna and drain the oil/water place to one side whilst preparing next step..
  3. Next open the cans of soup and sweetcorn and put in a small-medium pan..
  4. Put the pan on heat then half fill one of the empty soup cans with milk and pour it in with the soup and sweetcorn whilst stirring..
  5. Stir in the cans of tuna into the mixture and continue to heat until hot..
  6. Once pasta is cooked drain it and place it back into the pan, stir in the hot soup, tuna, sweetcorn mixture until pasta is coated..
  7. Pre heat oven to gas mark 6 (200 degrees c).
  8. Next put the mixture into a casserole dish and grate some cheese over the mixture making sure to coat it sufficiently. (Cheese optional).
  9. Place into the centre of the oven and cook for 15 minutes..

Preparing this recipe from scratch takes a bit of time, but if you're in a rush, there's also. Creamy tuna pasta bake is the perfect weeknight dinner. This tuna pasta bake looks fancy but it is incredibly easy to make. Can I use meat in this instead? You could but then it wouldn't be a tuna pasta bake and just be any regular pasta meat bake haha.


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