Recipe: Perfect Brown rice oven baked

Brown rice oven baked. Bring the water, butter, and salt just to a boil in a kettle or covered saucepan. Bring water and olive oil to a boil in a covered saucepan; stir in salt. Pour water mixture over rice; cover baking dish tightly with double layer of aluminum foil.

Brown rice oven baked It takes a little more time, but you can make a larger batch, and the even, steady heat of the oven works magic on stubborn grains of brown rice. Transfer rice to a Dutch oven or lidded casserole dish. Add rice and soups to dish and stir. You can cook Brown rice oven baked using 4 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Brown rice oven baked

  1. You need 2 cup of white long grain rice.
  2. Prepare 4 cup of beef broth.
  3. It's 1 of white onion diced, about medium size.
  4. You need 1 stick of butter.

Remove from oven and sprinkle top with Parmesan cheese. Nothing exotic here except perfect brown rice every time. I was surprised that there was no recipe for this already. Smells like popcorn when it is baking.

Brown rice oven baked instructions

  1. preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. prepare a casserole dish by Spraying with cooking oil or however you wish to make it non stick use a casserole dish that has a lid.
  3. dice the onion add to dish.
  4. measure dry rice add to dish.
  5. measure beef broth add to dish.
  6. place one stick of butter In dish.
  7. cook in oven covered for 15 minutes then take out and give it a stir.
  8. put back in oven, covered and finish cooking for an additional 45 minutes.
  9. you could give it a stir before serving but it is Oh so good Brown Rice.

Add spices to match any meal. Boil the water and add the butter and salt. Stir to dissolve salt and melt butter. Pour the boiling water mixture over the rice and stir. The coconut flavor is faint but a nice addition.


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