Recipe: Delicious Potato wedges

Potato wedges. Potato wedges are always a favorite for kids and grown-ups alike; they're easy to make and great for barbecues and parties. Make a lot as they're bound to go quickly! Potato wedges are amazing snacks which are loved by everyone, I have used lemon seasoning and mint to give them fresh and delicious taste.

Potato wedges Russet potatoes are the best pick for potato wedges, both for their texture and size. Their thick skins and super-starchy flesh guarantee wedges with a crisp outside and fluffy insides once baked. Potato wedges are a part of American cuisine. You can have Potato wedges using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Potato wedges

  1. It's 1/2 kg of potato.
  2. You need of Salt as req.
  3. You need 4 tbsp of Ketchup.
  4. It's 4 tbsp of Mayonnaise.
  5. You need of Oil for frying.
  6. You need 1/4 cup of Mozrella cheese.
  7. You need 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese.
  8. Prepare tbsp of Cornflour.
  9. You need 4 tbsp of Maida.
  10. Prepare 2 tbsp of Chicken powder.
  11. It's 2 tbsp of Chaat masala.
  12. It's 1/4 cup of Chopped spring onion.

This dish basically consists of potatoes cut into a moon shape and then baked or fried. It is a basic food that requires few ingredients to prepare. Potato wedges make for a great appetizer or a snack & are easy to make. These are delicious, crisp, flavorful and spicy.

Potato wedges step by step

  1. First ready your wok in which you have to fry your wedges..
  2. Cut cubes of potatoes very small in size. And boil them in water by adding salt until full boiled..
  3. Now strain boiled potatoes in strainer and keep aside until all water dry..
  4. Now add cornflour, chicken powder, maida, chaat masala over boiled potatoes. Cover potatoes very well with all of them..
  5. Now deep fry these wedges until they turn brown in colour and become crispy. Take them out let it cool..
  6. Now set these potatoes in oven proof tray and sprinkle ketchup, mayonnaise, chaat masala, chopped spring onion, shredded cheddar cheese and mozrella cheese over it and bake it for 10minutes. Serve hot and enjoy 😊.

Potato wedges are a classic side made with wedges of potatoes and seasonings. Potato Wedges - Fried & Baked Potato Wedges. This recipe post details the method of. fried & baked potato wedges with step by step photo and video recipe. wedges are often confused with potato fries which is generally thin and has different shape. wedges have more curvy in shape. Bake crispy potato wedges for a satisfying snack or side. Serve these simple potato wedges with soured cream to dip into as a snack, or enjoy as a side dish alongside chilli con carne, burgers or.


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