Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Healthy banana choco oatmeal cookies #cookiescontest

Healthy banana choco oatmeal cookies #cookiescontest. This is a softer cookie, so it would make a great breakfast with an ice cold glass of milk! These Banana Oatmeal Cookies are healthy and delicious with a moist and chewy texture! Perfect for snacking or even breakfast!

Healthy banana choco oatmeal cookies #cookiescontest But I definitely would've preferred these Healthy Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies instead! They're soft and chewy, just like traditional cookies (and my favorite granola bars!), but they contain no butter, eggs, refined flour or sugar… These healthy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are made without gluten, dairy, sugar or oil, but are packed with fiber! Great for breakfast or a snack! You can cook Healthy banana choco oatmeal cookies #cookiescontest using 3 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Healthy banana choco oatmeal cookies #cookiescontest

  1. Prepare 2 of very large bananas.
  2. You need 1 cup of oats.
  3. Prepare 2 of small tbsp unsweetened cocoa.

Healthy Banana oatmeal chocolate chip cookies made with coconut oil instead of butter. These chewy, dairy free cookies taste exactly like banana bread! Health Benefits - Banana Oatmeal Fitness Cookies. First I wanted to call them "Fitness Cookies" - because I think these are the only truly healthy cookies that have yet been made by humanity*.

Healthy banana choco oatmeal cookies #cookiescontest step by step

  1. Preheat oven 350 degrees and line baking sheet..
  2. Prepare ingredients.
  3. Slice the bananas into a bowl or tin..
  4. Mash banana gently using a fork..
  5. Add in the oats and mix gently..
  6. When ready place your baking tray close to start scooping the mixture into it in lumps..
  7. Divide the mixture evenly on the baking tray..
  8. Place in oven for 10 to 15 minutes..
  9. When ready remove from the oven,place on a cooling tray.Enjoy😊..

Not only do they lower your cholesterol. Vegan Healthy Banana Zucchini Oatmeal Cookies made with whole grains + naturally sweetened. These are AMAZING and healthy enough to eat for breakfast! Recipe for small and healthy chocolate cookies with banana and oatmeal. The a super easy to make and perfect as a snack before This is a recipe for some small and healthy chocolate cookies based on banana and oatmeal.


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